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7 Days and 7 Ways to Realign Your Goals
Welcome to 7 Days and 7 Ways to Realign Your Goals
Day 1 - Reconnecting to Your Values
Day 1 Reconnecting to your Your Values
Day 1 Worksheet 1 - Your Values
Day 1 Worksheet 2 - Values Alignment
Day 1 Worksheet 3 - Values Alignment Deep Dive
Day 2 - Reflecting on Your Goals
Day 2 Worksheet 1 - Reflecting on Your Goals
Day 3 - Examine Your Strengths
Day 3 Worksheet 1 - Your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Challenges
Day 4 - Breathe and Reflect
Day 4 Worksheet - Breathe and Reflect
Day 5 - Devote Time
Day 5 Worksheet - Devote Time
Day 6 - Define Your Goals
Day 6 Worksheet - Define Your SMART Goals
Day 7 - Create Your Action Plan
Day 7 Worksheet - Your Action Plan!
Day 5 Worksheet - Devote Time
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