What is Mentoring?
Mentoring is an informal or formal partnership where an experienced industry professional supports the professional development and growth of a less experienced person.
With the term broadening in recent years, mentoring is becoming common place as an essential professional development option outside of formal training programs.
Mentoring is unique as a learning and development mechanism by enabling the opportunity to apply learning insights directly to real-life contexts, situations and challenges. Mentors are able to customise the learning experience to the mentee, who ultimately determines the focus, subject and style of learning.
There are a number of defining characteristic that distinguish mentoring from other workplace relationships:
- Mentoring is a two-person relationship between a more experienced industry professional – the mentor, and a less experienced person – the mentee for the exclusive reason of learning and development.
- Mentoring is a mutual learning alliance, where both the mentor and the mentee may benefit from the relationship, however the primary focus of the mentoring relationship is the growth and development of the mentee.
- Mentoring relationships are individual and dynamic with the mentee requiring varying degrees of support which may change over time.
What mentoring is and what it is not:
Mentoring is:
- Developmental tool that grows knowledge, networks and careers.
- Learning alliance between the mentor and the mentee, who will both benefit from the relationship.
- Enhances a culture of growth and development within a cohort, organisation or industry.
Mentoring is not:
- A guarantee of promotion or advancement. However, mentoring may develop overall competencies and capabilities that improve performance.
- Replacement for formal development, rather mentoring complements on-the-job learning and formal training programs.
- Management replacement. The mentor sits separate to the formal line manager or supervisor role. The mentor does not take on these responsibilities.
- Employee Assistance Program. Mentoring is not counselling or support for mentees on personal issues.